Old Dates
2008-09-01 - 05: 7. Microquasar Workshop
2009-01-19 - 23: ISSI-Workshop in Berne, Switzerland
2009-04-02 - 06: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt (MD), USA
2009-04-08 - 14: MIT Kavli Institute, Cambridge (MA), USA
(29. Juni - 2. Juli: Suzaku Conference)
4. Juli 2009: Tag der offenen Tür in der Bayerischen Staatskanzlei
ENB-Bericht vom letzten Jahr
23. - 29. August 2009: Studienwoche des beschleunigten Studiengangs in Obergurgl
7.-11. September 2009: Mädchen und Technik Praktikum
22.-25. September 2009: Chandra's First Decade of Discovery
2010, March 14th to 17th:
"High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy" conference
in Utrecht, The Netherlands
2010, March 30th to April 8th: Research visit at MKI, Cambridge, MA, USA
2010, June 27th to July 3rd: 60th Nobel Laureate Meeting / Lindau
watch lectures online:
• Theodor W. Hänsch: "The Heartbeat of Light" (pendulums @ 19m)
• Special Afternoon Debate: "What will CERN teach us about the Dark Energy and Dark Matter of the Universe?" (22m, 26m)
• Sir John Ernest Walker: "How Energy is Converted in Biology" (turbine @ 20m:40)
video diaries by participants,
Prof. Thies,
Prof. Katz
8.4.: TNG Open Techday
23.4.: SIXT @ München Messestadt Riem