Ap 1 | Newton, Isaac | Mathematische Principien der Naturlehre, Sir Isaac Newtons
mathematische Principien der Naturlehre Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica |
Berlin Oppenheim 1872,
VIII, 666 S. |
x |
Ap 2 | Mueller, Johann H. | Lehrbuch der kosmischen Physik Erg.: Mueller, Johann H.: Atlas zu Johann Muellers Lehrbuch der kosmischen Physik |
Braunschweig Vieweg 1883,
4. Aufl., 2., wohlfeile Ausgabe XXII, 851 S. : zahlr. Ill. und graph. Darst. |
x |
Ap 3 | Hirn, G.-A. | Constitution de l'espace celeste |
Colmar [u.a.] Barth [u.a.] 1889,
XI, 332 S. |
x |
Ap 4 | Chamberlin, Thomas C. | The tidal and other problems Contributions to cosmogony and the fundamental problems of geology |
Washington, D.C. 1909,
IV, 264 S. |
x |
Ap 5 | Busch, Friedrich, Jensen, Christian | Tatsachen und Theorien der atmosphaerischen Polarisation Nebst Anl. zu Beobachtungen verschiedener Art. Zum Gedaechtnis 100jaehriger Forschung im Auftrage d. physikalischen Staatslaboratoriums in Hamburg u. d. Vereinigung v. Freunden d. Astronomie u. kosmischen Physik. Mit zahlr. Tab. u. Fig. im Text, Aus: Jahrbuch d.Hamburg.Wiss.Anstalten.28. Beih.5: Mitteil.aus dem Physikal.Staatslaboratorium |
Hamburg Graefe & Sillem in Komm. 1911,
532 S.m.Tab. |
x |
Ap 6 | Graff, Kasimir, Scheiner, Julius | Astrophysik 1. u. 2. Aufl. u.d.T.: Scheiner, Julius: Populaere Astrophysik |
Leipzig u.a. Teubner 1922,
3., voellig neubearb. Aufl. VIII, 556, [16] S. : Ill., graph. Darst. |
x |
Ap 7 | Probleme der Astronomie Festschrift fuer Hugo v. Seeliger dem Forscher und Lehrer zum 75. Geburtstage |
Berlin Springer 1924,
IV, 475 S. : Portr., graph. Darst. |
x |
Ap 8 | Graff, Kasimir | Grundriss der Astrophysik |
Leipzig Teubner 1928,
VIII,751 S. : 6 Lichtdr.-Taf.u.468 Textabb. |
x |
Ap 9 | Rosseland, Svein | Astrophysik auf atomtheoretischer Grundlage |
Berlin Springer 1931,
VI, 252 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. |
x |
Ap 10 | Eberhard, Gustav | Handbuch der Astrophysik Baende 1,2(1,2),3(1,2),4,5(1,2),6,7 |
Berlin Springer,
x |
Ap 11 | Wien, Wilhelm | Handbuch der Experimentalphysik |
Leipzig Akad. Verl.-Ges.,
x |
Ap 12 | Festschrift fuer Elis Stroemgren Astronomical papers dedicated to Elis Stroemgren |
Kopenhagen Munsgaard 1940,
348 S. |
x |
Ap 13 | Milankovic, Milutin, Milankovitch, M. | Kanon der Erdbestrahlung und seine Anwendung auf das
Eiszeitenproblem |
Belgrad 1941,
XX, 633 S. |
x |
Ap 14 | Waldmeier, Max | Einfuehrung in die Astrophysik |
Basel Birkhaeuser 1948,
381 S. |
x |
Ap 15 | Voroncov-Vel'jaminov, Boris A. | Gazovye tumannosti i novye zvezdy |
Moskva [u.a.] Izdatelstvo Akademii Nauk SSSR 1948,
588 S. |
x |
Ap 16 | TenBruggencate, Paul, Bruggencate, Paul ten | Astronomie, Astrophysik und Kosmogonie |
Wiesbaden Dieterich 1948,
1. - 3. Tsd. 441 S. |
x |
Ap 17 | Harvard College |
Centennial symposia December 1946 ; contributions on interstellar matter, electronic and computational devices, eclipsing binaries, the gaseous envelope of the earth |
Cambridge, Massachusetts Observatory 1948,
VII, 385 S. |
x |
Ap 18 | Siedentopf, Heinrich | Grundriss der Astrophysik Mit 114 Abb. im Text |
Stuttgart Wiss.Verlagsges. 1950,
XI,307 S.m.Taf.u.Abb. |
x |
Ap 19 | Hynek, Joseph A. | Astrophysics a topical symposium ; commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the Yerkes Observatory and a half century of progress in astrophysics |
New York [u.a.] McGraw-Hill 1951,
XII, 703 S. |
x |
Ap 20 | Abhandlungen aus der sowjetischen Astronomie [Feld 530-533]: Forts. --->Abhandlungen aus der sowjetischen Astronomie und Astrophysik, Baende 1-3 |
Berlin Verl. Kultur u. Fortschritt 1951*1951,
x |
Ap 21 | Neyman, Jerzy, Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability <3, 1954 - 1955> | Proceedings of the Third Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical
Statistics and Probability held at the Statistical Laboratory Univ. of California December, 1954, July and August, 1955 |
Berkeley Univ. of California Press,
x |
Ap 22 | Thackeray, Andrew D. | Astronomical spectroscopy |
New York Macmillan 1961,
256 S. |
x |
Ap 23 | Breene, Robert G. | The shift and shape of spectral lines |
Oxford u. a. Pergamon Pr. 1961,
XII, 323 S. : graph. Darst. |
x |
Ap 24 | Fluegge, Siegfried | Handbuch der Physik, Encyclopedia of physics Baende 46(1-2), 50-54 |
Berlin u.a. Springer,
x |
Ap 25 | Menzel, Donald H. | Selected papers on physical processes in ionized plasmas Physical processes in ionized plasmas, WST: Physical processes in ionized plasmas |
New York Dover 1962,
VIII, 374 S. |
x |
Ap 26 | Hayakawa, Satio | Lectures on astrophysics and weak interactions |
Waltham, Mass. Brandeis Univ. 1964,
V, 469 S. : graph. Darst. |
x |
Ap 27 | Advances in astronomy and astrophysics Erscheinen eingestellt, Baende 1-9 |
New York, NY u.a. Academ. Press,
x |
Ap 28 | Ehlers, Juergen | Relativity theory and astrophysics Baende 8-10 |
Providence, R.I. American Mathematical Society,
x |
Ap 29,7 | Alder, Berni | Methods in computational physics advances in research and applications |
New York Acad. Pr.,
x |
Ap 30 | Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. (USA), ARAAA, Baende 1-45 |
Palo Alto, Calif. Annual Reviews 1963-2007,
x |
Ap 30a | Reeves, H. | Astrophysical implications of the stellar abundances of Li, Be and B Aus: Origin and distribution of the elements |
Oxford [u.a.] Pergamon Pr. 1968,
S. 117 - 123 |
x |
Ap 30b | Audouze, J., Reeves, H. | Destruction cross section of Li6 and Li7 by low energy protons Aus: Origin and distribution of the elements |
Oxford [u.a.] Pergamon Pr. 1968,
5 S. |
x |
Ap 31 | Herbig, George H. | Spectroscopic astrophysics an assessment of the contributions of Otto Struve |
Berkeley [u.a.] Univ. of California Pr. 1970,
IX, 462 S. |
x |
Ap 32 | Weekes, Trevor C. | High-energy astrophysics |
Chapman and Hall, London 1969,
209 S. |
- F |
Ap 33 | Taylor, R. J. | Astrophysics Aus: Reports on progress in physics |
New York Benjamin 1969,
VII,204 S.m.Abb. |
x |
Ap 33a | Voroncov-Vel'jaminov, Boris A., Vel'jaminov, Boris A. | Astronomical problems an introductory course in astronomy, EST: Sbornik zadac i upraznenij po astronomij (engl.) |
Oxford (u.a.) Pergamon Pr. 1969,
314 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. |
x |
Ap 34 | Oja, Heikki | The two-body problem in the theory of gravitation without potential Helsinki, Univ., Diss. |
39 S. |
x |
Ap 35 | Astrophysics Enth.1.: Boerner, Gerhard: On the properties of matter in neutron stars. Enth.2.: Stewart, John: Black holes. Walker, Martin: Black holes |
Berlin Springer 1973,
121 S. |
x |
Ap 36 | Carleton, Nathaniel | Astrophysics |
New York u.a. Acad. Press,
x |
Ap 37 | Gott, Preston F., Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics <2, 1976, Denton, Tex.> | Proceedings of the Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and
Astrophysics May 21, 1976, Denton, Texas |
s.l. 1976,
219 S. |
x |
Ap 38 | Audouze, Jean, Vauclair, Sylvie | Die Entstehung der Elemente L' astrophysique nucleaire |
Stuttgart Dt. Verl.-Anst. 1974,
164 S. |
x |
Ap 39 | Bath, Geoffrey | The state of the universe |
Oxford Clarendon Pr. 1980,
VII, 199 S. : Ill. (z.T.farb.) |
x |
Ap 40 | Sobel'man, Igor I. | Atomic spectra and radiative transitions Aus d. Russ. uebers. - EST: Vvedenie v teoriju atomnych spektrov |
Berlin u.a. Springer 1979,
XII, 306 S. : graph. Darst. |
x |
Ap 41 | Melrose, Don B., Melrose, Donald B., Melrose, D. B. | Plasma astrophysics nonthermal processes in diffuse magnetized plasmas, Baende 1-2 |
New York u.a. Gordon and Breach,
x |
Ap 42 | Sobel'man, Igor I., Vainstein, Leonid A., Jukov, Evgenij A. | Excitation of atoms and broadening of spectral lines EST: Vvedenie v teoriju atomnych spectrov (engl.) |
Berlin Springer 1981,
X, 315 S. : graph. Darst. |
x |
Ap 43 | Bonnet, Roger M. | Solar phenomena in stars and stellar systems proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Bonas, France, August 25 - September 5, 1980 |
Dordrecht [u.a.] Reidel 1981,
X, 591 S. |
x |
Ap 44 | Gott, Preston F., Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics <7, 1981, Albuquerque, NM> | Proceedings of the Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and
Astrophysics May 23, 1981, Albuquerque, New Mexico |
s.l. 1981,
178 S. |
x |
Ap 45 | Gott, Preston F., Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics <8, 1982, Socorro, NM> | Proceedings of the Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and
Astrophysics May 29, 1982, Socorro, New Mexico |
s.l. 1982,
99 S. |
x |
Ap 46 | Balazs, Bela A., Workshop on Dynamical Astronomy <1981, Budapest> | Dynamical astronomy proceedings of a Workshop (on Dynam. Astronomy ...), Literaturangaben |
Budapest Eoetvoes Univ. 1982,
164 S. : graph. Darst. |
x |
Ap 47 | Luyten, W. J., International Astronomical Union , Quelle: Yearb. 1995/96; Sitz: Paris , IAU | Proper motions International Astronomical Union colloquium no. 7, held at Control Data Corporation, Minneapolis, 21 - 23 April 1970 |
Minneapolis Univ. of Minneapolis 1970,
200 S. |
x |
Ap 48 | Strobel, G. C. de | Stellar ages held at the Paris-Meudon Observatory, France, September 18 - 22, |
Paris Paris Meudon Observatory 1972,
400 S. |
x |
Ap 49 | Gott, Preston F., Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics <9, 1983, Fort Davis, Tex.> | Proceedings of the Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and
Astrophysics May 14, 1983, Fort Davis, Texas |
s.l. 1983,
105 S. |
x |
Ap 50 | Field, George B., Chaisson, Eric J. | The invisible universe probing the frontiers of astrophysics |
Boston u.a. Birkhaeuser 1985,
XIV, 195 S. : Ill. |
x |
Ap 51 | Gustafsson, Bengt, Symposium in Honour of Bengt Stroemgren <1988, Kbenhavn> | Astrophysics recent progress and future possibilites ; invited reviews at a symposium in honour of Bengt Stroemgren (1908-1987) held in Copenhagen May 25-26, 1988 |
Copenhagen Munksgaard 1990,
220 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. |
x |
Ap 52 | Boehm-Vitense, Erika, Vitense, Erika B. | Introduction to stellar astrophysics Baende 1-3 |
Cambridge u.a. Cambridge Univ. Press,
x |
Ap 53 | Sellwood, Jerry A., Victoria University |
Dynamics of astrophysical discs the proceedings of a conference at the Department of Astronomy, University of Manchester, 13 - 16 December 1988 |
Cambridge u.a. Cambridge Univ. Press 1989,
1. publ. XV, 257 S. : Ill. |
x |
Ap 54 | Pallavicini, Roberto | Hot thin plasmas in astrophysics [proceedings of the Nato Advanced Study Institute on Hot Thin Plasmas in Astrophysics, Carg'ese, Corsica, France, Sept. 8 - 18, |
Dordrecht u.a. Kluwer 1988,
XII, 434 S. |
x |
Ap 55 | Adelman, Saul J., International Astronomical Union / Working Group on Ap Stars , Quelle: CDMARC Names | Elemental abundance analyses proceedings of the IAU Working Group on Ap Stars workshop held at the Institut d'Astronomie de l'Universite de Lausanne, September 7 - |
Chavannes-des-Bois Inst. d'Astronomie de l'Univ. de Lausanne 1988,
234 S. |
x |
Ap 56 | Shu, Frank H. | The physics of astrophysics Baende 1-2 |
Mill Valley Univ. Science Books,
x |
Ap 57 | White, R. E. | Observational astrophysics |
Bristol IOP Publ. 1992,
VIII, 358 S. |
x |
Ap 58 | Tayler, Roger J. | Stellar astrophysics |
Bristol [u.a.] Inst. of Physics Publ. 1992,
XII, 356 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. |
x |
Ap 59 | Cebeci, Tuncer, Bradshaw, Peter | Physical and computational aspects of convective heat transfer Literaturangaben |
New York ; Berlin ; Heidelberg ; London ; Paris ; Tokyo Springer
XII, 487 S. : 180 graph. Darst. |
x |
AP 60 | Cebeci, Tuncer | Solutions manual and computer programs for physical and
computational aspects of convectice heat transfer Grundwerk u.d.T.: Cebeci, Tuncer: Physical and computational aspects of convective heat transfer |
New York u.a. Springer 1989,
VII, 113 S. |
x |
Ap 61 | Oxenius, Joachim | Kinetic theory of particles and photons theoretical foundations of non-LTE plasma spectroscopy |
Berlin u.a. Springer 1986,
XII, 353 S. |
x |
Ap 62 | Hillebrandt, Wolfgang, Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics <7, 1993,
Kreuth> , Veranstaltungsort: Schloss Ringberg, postalisch zu Kreuth
gehoerig, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik und Astrophysik |
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, Germany, March 22 - March 27, 1993, MPA P 7 |
Garching b. Muenchen Max-Planck-Inst. fuer Astrophysik 1993,
147 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. |
x |
Ap 63 | Harwit, Martin | Astrophysical concepts |
New York u.a. Springer 1991,
2. ed., corr. 2. print. XV, 626 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. |
x |
Ap 64 | Longair, Malcolm S. | High energy astrophysics Baende 1-2 |
Cambridge Cambridge Univ. Press,
x |
Ap 65 | Wallerstein, George | Stellar and circumstellar astrophysics proceedings of a conference held at the University of Washington, 9 - 11 September 1993, in honor of the 70th birthdays of Karl-Heinz Boehm and Erika Boehm-Vitense |
San Francisco, Calif. Astronomical Soc. of the Pacific 1994,
1. publ. XIII, 215 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. |
x |
Ap 66 | Edelmann, Heinz | Spektralanalyse von heliumarmen unterleuchtkräftigen B- und
O-Sternen Diplomarbeit |
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg 1998,
77 S. |
- |
Ap 67 | Léna, P., Lebrun F., Mignard F. | Observational Astrophysics |
Springer, Berlin u.a. 1998,
512 S. |
x |
Ap 68 | Poutanen, J., Svensson, R. | Gamma-ray bursts: the first three minutes Proceedings of a workshop held at Gräftavallen, Sweden, 6-11 February 1999 |
Astronomical Soc. of the Pacific, San Francisco, 1999,
305 S. |
x |
Ap 69 | Egret, D., Heck, A. | Harmonizing cosmic distance scales in post-Hipparcos era Proceedings of a colloquium held at Haguenau, France 14-16 September 1998 |
Astronomical Soc. of the Pacific, San Francisco, 1999,
341 S. |
x |
Ap 70 | Hubeny, I., Heap, S.R., Cornett, R.H. | Spectrophotometric dating of stars and galaxies Proceedings of a workshop held in Annapolis, Maryland, USA 25-29 April, 1999 |
Astronomical Soc. of the Pacific, San Francisco, 1999,
335 S. |
- |
Ap 71 | von Hippel, T., Simpson, C., Manset, N. | Astrophysical ages and time scales Proceedings of a conference held in Hilo, Hawaii, USA 5-9 Februaray, 2001 |
Astronomical Soc. of the Pacific, San Francisco, 2001,
639 S. |
- |
Ap 72 | Frank, J., King, A., Raine, D. | Accretion Power in Astrophysics |
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1992,
2. Auflage XVI, 294 S. |
x |
Ap 73 | Perkins, D. | Particle Astrophysics |
Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2003,
XII, 256 S. |
x |
Ap 74 | Edelmann, Heinz | Spectroscopic analyses of subluminous B stars: observational constraints for the theory of stellar evolution,
pulsation and diffusion Dissertation |
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg 2003,
VII, 171 S. |
- |
Ap 75 | Lisker, Thorsten | Heisse unterleuchtkraeftige Sterne aus dem SPY-Projekt Diplomarbeit |
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg 2003,
X, 100 S. |
- |
Ap 76 | Pauli, Eva-Maria | 3D Kinematics of White Dwarfs from the SPY Project Dissertation |
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg 2004,
X, 113 S. |
- |
Ap 77 | Stroeer, Alexander | Heisse unterleuchtkraeftige Sterne aus dem ESO SPY-Projekt: sdO-Sterne Diplomarbeit |
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg 2004,
125 S. |
- |
Ap 78 | Battrick, B., Mort, J. | Second European IUE Conference Proceedings of a conference held in Tuebingen, Germany, 26-28 March 1980 |
ESA, Noordwijk, 1980,
LXXX, 368 S. |
- |
Ap 79 | Schiller, F. | Quantitative Spektroskopie von Deneb Diplomarbeit |
Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, 2006,
81 S. |
- |
Ap 80 | Loebl, J. | 3-D Kinematik von unterleuchtkraeftigen B-Sternen Zulassungsarbeit |
Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, 2005,
50 S. |
- |
Ap 81 | de Pater, I., Lissauer, J.J. | Planetary Sciences |
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2006,
XVI, 528 S. |
- |