Abt, H.A., Willmarth, D.W. 1999, ApJ 521, 682 (1b6):
RV curves of binaries in Praesepe and Coma (13 SBs, summary
of 5 clusters observed in this program).
Agerer, F., Hübscher, J. 1999, IBVS 4711. (1f):
RT And, AA And,
AB And, BL And, KN And, EK Aur, EL Aur, OO Aql, V343 Aql,
V415 Aql, V 417 Aql, V694 Aql, GSC 1062.33 (Aql), RX Ari,
EM Aur, HU Aur, IM Aur, KO Aur, V404 Aur, TY Boo, VW Boo,
XY Boo, CK Boo, FF Cnc, BO CVn, XZ CMi, YY CMi, AK CMi, AM CMi,
BH Cas, DZ Cas, EN Cas, V357 Cas, V361 Cas, V385 Cas, V387 Cas,
V445 Cas, V651 Cas, WW Cep, EG Cep, OT Cep, RW Cet, TT Cet,
TX Cet, VV Cet, SS Com, CC Com, VSV 6177 (Com), KR Cyg,
V477 Cyg, V488 Cyg, V501 Cyg, V505 Cyg, V513 Cyg, V628 Cyg,
V700 Cyg, V725 Cyg, V859 Cyg, V1004 Cyg, V1187 Cyg, V1191 Cyg,
TY Del, AV Del, DM Del, EX Del, FZ Del, GG Del, BX Dra, EF Dra,
BV Eri, WW Gem, YY Gem, EY Gem, GX Gem, UX Her, HS Her,
V728 Her, V829 Her, V857 Her, V878 Her, AV Hya, EU Hya, VY Lac,
CN Lac, FL Lac, IM Lac, V364 Lac, UV Leo, UX Leo, XY Leo,
XZ Leo, AL Leo, AP Leo, RT LMi, SW Lyn, UZ Lyr, QU Lyr,
V404 Lyr, BO Mon, V442 Mon, V453 Mon, V514 Mon, V527 Mon,
V528 Mon, V530 Mon, V532 Mon, V634 Mon.
Agerer, F., Dahm, M., Hübscher, J. 1999, IBVS 4712. (1f):
V449 Oph, V508 Oph, V839 Oph, DZ Ori, ER Ori, FH Ori, FR Ori,
FT Ori, FZ Ori, GU Ori, V343 Ori, U Peg, AT Peg, BB Peg,
CC Peg, DO Peg, EU Peg, EY Peg, GH Peg, HW Peg, KL Per,
V432 Per, V449 Per, V482 Per, V505 Per,UV Psc, CU Sge, DK Sct,
BI Ser, CC Ser, Y Sex, RZ Tau, CU Tau, GR Tau, V1112 Tau,
X Tri, UY UMa, AW Vir, AZ Vir, BH Vir, GR Vir, HW Vir, HI Vul.
Albayrak, B. et al. (4 authors) 1999, Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrofis. 35, 3.
(1f, 2c) Period variations of RS CVn systems with possible
light-time effects: RT And, SV Cam, WY Cnc, CG Cyg, WW Dra,
RT Lac.
Anupama, G.C., Mikolajewska J. 1999, A&A 344, 177. (1b, 2e, 6)
Recurrent novae at quiescence: T CrB, RS Oph, V3890 Sgr and
V745 Sco.
Bandyopadhyay, R.M. et al. (4 authors) 1999, MNRAS 306, 417. (1bi, 2bg)
IR spectroscopy of LMXBs - II (Sco X-1, Sco X-2, GX13+1).
Castro-Tirado, A.J. et al. (4 authors) 1999, A&A 347, 927. (1x, 2e)
Observations of short-duration X-ray transients by WATCH on
Granat. (X-ray transients originated in LMXBs or HMXBs?)
Corporon, P., Lagrange, A.-M. 1999, A&AS 136, 429. (1b, 2ace)
SBs among Herbig Ae/Be stars.
Cutispoto, G. et al. (5 authors) 1999, A&AS 138, 87. (1ab, 2e, 6)
Binarity among EUV stellar sources.
Delfosse, X. et al. (6 authors) 1999, A&A 344, 897. (1ab, 2abc, 3b)
Detection of several SBs and one EB among M dwarfs.
De Medeiros, J.R., Udry, S. 1999, A&A 346, 532. (1b, 2abc)
Orbital parameters of 10 evolved binaries.
Duerbeck, H.W. 1999, IBVS 4731. (2e):
T Aur, V603 Aql, AE Aqr, SS Aur, QU Car, T CrB, SS Cyg,
V1500 Cyg, HR Del, U Gem, DQ Her, V533 Her, BT Mon, RR Pic,
V3885 Sgr, RW Sex, IX Vel. Hipparcos parallaxes of cataclysmic
Faraggiana, R., Bonifacio, P. 1999, A&A 349, 521. (2e, 6)
Binarity among Bootis stars.
Fekel, F.C. et al. (4 authors) 1999, A&AS 137, 369. (1b, 2abe)
Orbital and physical parameters of active SBs.
Ferraro, F.R., Paltrinieri, B., Rood, R.T., Dorman, B. 1999, ApJ 522,
983 (1au): Blue straggler stars: The spectacular population
in M80 (data set of 305 blue stragglers).
Gerbaldi, M. et al. (6 authors) 1999, A&AS 137, 273. (1b, 3b, 6)
New SBs among A0 dwarf stars.
Gomey-Forrellad, J.M. et al. (5 authors) 1999, IBVS 4702. (1a, 2c):
V776 Cas, V793 Cas, V1363 Ori, ET Leo, HIP 89972, HI Dra,
V1454 Aql, PU Peg, V351 Peg.
Griffiths, N.W. 1999, ApJ 518, 873 (2e): Models of coronal structure
for RS CVn binaries V711 Tau, AR Lac, and II Peg.
Gutiérrez-Moreno, A., Moreno, H., Costa, E. 1999, PASP 111, 571. (1c)
Spectrophotometry of S-type symbiotic stars: Hen 823, Hen 905,
Hen 1103, KX TrA, AE Ara, AS 255, AS 270, Y CrA, AS 304,
AS 316, AS 327, CD-4314304. (See also General.)
Haberl, F., Pietsch, W. 1999, A&A 344, 521. (1x, 3d, 6) HMXB candidates
among variable X-ray sources in the LMC.
Hellier, C. 1999, ApJ 519, 324 (1d2g): Doppler tomography applied to
spin cycles of 7 IPs.
Kaehler, H. 1999, A&A 346, 67. (6) Binaries in the Pleiades.
Kiss, L.L. et al. (4 authors) 1999, IBVS 4681. (1af, 2c):
AB And, OO Aql, 44i Boo, VW Cep, DK Cyg, V1073 Cyg, LS Del,
SW Lac, XY Leo, U Peg.
Kvíz, Z. et al. (4 authors) 1999, IBVS 4739. (1f):
U Col, V Lep, RS Lep, RU Lep, UX Men, Phe, BQ Sgr,
CW Vel.
Li, Z.-Y., Liu, W., Hu, J.-Y. 1999, Acta Astron. Sinica 40, 1. (1b, 3b)
Spectroscopic identification of CVs.
Lu, W., Rucinski, S. 1999, AJ 118, 515. (1b, 2a) RVs and
spectroscopic elements for W UMa systems: GZ And, V417 Aql,
LS Del, EF Dra, V829 Her, FG Hya, AP Leo, UV Lyn, BB Peg,
AQ Psc.
Maxted, P.F.L., Marsh, T.R. 1999, MNRAS 307, 122. (1b, 2b) RV survey for
46 DA WDs.
Mazur, B., Kaluzny, J., Krzeminski, W. 1999, MNRAS 306, 727. (2c, 3bd)
Variable stars in the globular cluster NGC 6362.
Menou, K. et al. (6 authors) 1999, ApJ 520, 276 (1x): 5 BH or NS
binaries observed in quiescence.
Mochejska, B.J., Kaluzny, J. 1999, Acta Astron. 49, 351. (3abd) 35 EBs in
the field of NGC 7789.
Moran, C. et al. (5 authors) 1999, MNRAS 304, 535. (1b, 2ac) The
orbital parameters of 3 new subdwarf B binaries (PG 0101+039,
PG 1101+249, PG 1432+159, PG 2345+318).
Mürset, U., Schmid, H.M. 1999, A&AS 137, 473. (1b, 6)
Spectral classification of cool giants in symbiotic systems.
Niarchos, P.G., Duerbeck, H.W. 1997, OAP 10, 37. On the mass-ratio
of the eclipsing binaries of W UMa type. (2b):
AB And, OO Aql, V535 Ara, SS Ari, TY Boo, 44i Boo, V523 Cas,
RR Cen, V752 Cen, TX Cnc, RZ Com, CC Com, RW Com, BV Dra,
BW Dra, YY Eri, EZ Hya, SW Lac, XY Leo, AM Leo, TV Mus,
V502 Oph, V508 Oph, V566 Oph, ER Ori, U Peg, BX Peg, AE Phe,
VZ Psc, AU Ser, Y Sex, RZ Tau, AQ Tuc, W UMa, AA UMa, AW UMa,
AH Vir.
Padmakar, S.P., Pandey, S.K. 1999, A&AS 138, 203. (1a, 2e)
Starspot modeling in RS CVn stars V711 Tau, UX Ari, IM Peg,
II Peg, Gem, and
Panzera, M.R. et al. (4 authors) 1999, A&A 348, 161. (1x, 2e, 6)
Possible binarity associated with A0-F6 stars.
Pietrzynski, G., Udalski, A. 1999, Acta Astron. 49, 149. (3a, 6) 127 EBs
in clusters of the SMC.
Pribulla, T., Chochol, D., Parimucha, S. 1999, IBVS 4751. (1f):
RT And, 44i Boo, SV Cam, EG Cep, VW Cep, WY Cnc, AW UMa,
XY UMa, ER Vul.
Rauch, T. et al. (4 authors) 1999, A&A 347, 169. (1b, 6)
Possible binaries among central stars of PNs.
Reynolds, T.J., Thorstensen, J.R., Sherman, N.D. 1999, IBVS 4715.
(1a, 3b): 9 anonymous EBs near V1333 Aql.
Rucinski, S.M. 1999, Acta Astron. 49, 341. (6) Early-type contact
systems in the LMC MACHO database.
Sandberg Lacy, C.H., Marcrum, K., Ibanoglu, C. 1999, IBVS 4737. (1af, 2c):
WW Cam, V459 Cas, WW Cep, RW Lac, V530 Ori, BP Vul.
Schmid, H.M. et al. (19 authors) 1999, A&A 348, 950. (1bu, 2g, 5)
Geometric structure for symbiotic stars (AG Peg, AG Dra,
CD-43 14304, RR Tel, and Z And).
Shrader C.R., Titarchuk, L. 1999, ApJ 521, L121 (1x):
Mass determinations of BHs, LMC X-1, and Nova Mus 1991
using the bulk motion comptonization (BMC) model.
Thompson, I.B. et al. (4 authors) 1999, AJ 118, 462. (1a, 2c, 3b) CCD
photometry of NGC 6752 yields 7 new contact binaries and one
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van den Berg, M., Verbunt, F., Mathieu, R.D. 1999, A&A 347, 866.
(1b, 2e) X-ray binaries in M67.
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Weigelt, G. et al. (6 authors) 1999, A&A 347, L15. (1e, 6) Multiplicity
of the Orion Trapezium stars.
Wood, J.H., Harmer, S., Lockley, J.J. 1999, MNRAS 304, 335. (1b, 2ac)
Spectroscopic observations of post-common envelope binaries.
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Zhu, Z.-X., Friedjung, M., Huang, C.-C. 1999, Acta Astron. Sinica 39,
412. (1bi, 2e) Spectral classification of symbiotic stars.