Social Events
- Reception by the City of Bamberg
Wednesday, August 11 at 18:00
The mayor of Bamberg, Mr. Werner Hipelius, will
welcome the participants of the workshop in the 16th century
Geyerswoerth Palace
- Conference dinner
Thursday, August 12 at 19:30
On top
of the highest hill of Bamberg the conference dinner will be
served by the renowned Restaurant Altenburg in the historic
Knights' Hall of the 12th century Altenburg Castle. Transportation
between conference venu and Altenburg castle will be provided.
Cost of menu will be 40 Euro per person (excluding beverages).
- Guided tour of Bamberg
Saturday, August 14 at 14:30
The old town of Bamberg was appointed a UNESCO World Heritage site in
1993. Tour starts at Schillerplatz and ends at Remeis Observatory just
on time for the closing event of the conference.
- Reception at the Dr. Remeis Sternwarte
Saturday, August 14 at 16:00
A free reception at Remeis Observatory will be offered as a
closing event of the workshop. August 14 also happens to be the
70th birthday of the former retired director at Remeis
Observatory, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Irmela Bues, who will be glad to
welcome you at our institute and have you taste some famous
Bamberg beer and snacks.
Registration for Social Events (Deadline: July 15)
